Hoy Lunes aparecio en su Myspace y tambien en su pagina oficial, una nota sobre el nuevo guitarrista, escritapor Danny. Aqui un fragmento que rescate de la pagina oficial:
"We are very satisfied with our new member. He was our first chioce afer having gone through all the applications that we recieved and we're completely confident that he will be a worthy successor to Vic Zino. Andy is a very talented guitar player and despite his young age he has a mature style of playing combined with lots of experience of performing live on stage from his last band SHARP. In addition, and this is probaly one of the most important aspects for us, he fits perfectly in the group on a personal level; He shares the same visions for Crazy Lixx and will contribute with the same energy and commitment as the rest of us in order to push the band forward.- Danny, Joey & Luke "
Esperemos que todo vaya bien con los chikos de CRAZY LIXX, ahora que ya tienen un nuevo guitarra en sus filas!hay rumores de un concierto en Brazil, ojala se pasen por aqui, aunq eso aun es un poco imposible haha xD !!!! Sigamos a poyando a CRAZY LIXX en hacerlos mas conocidos para asi poder lograr que algun dia toquen por estos lares!
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